Inspirational Phrases Panel

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Inspirational Phrases Panel allows you to change the phrase shown on the top portion of matting board. The idea behind having these phrases is to help in keeping you uplifted with a positive affirmation that means something to you personally. For me, positive phrases such as “Introverts are great”, “it will all work out when I need to” are helpful to see as often as possible. If you need ideas for inspirational ideas one place to go is Inspirational Spark or if you are interested in what motivated successful or renowned people go to Inspirational Quotes. Scenic Framer helps you to adopt a new belief by seeing it often.

On a more practical level, when you leave your desk for  lengthier amount of time such as for lunch you can let people know who may walk over to your desk when you are coming back.


Change Phrase Font

This panel also previews the font and font color you have selected on top of current matting board for current selected photo album. The same font is applied for both albums but you can change the font color for each album. I like to choose font like Highlight LET Plain that let the matting board show through them. You can have fun with decorative fonts.

Future Ideas on Inspirational Phrases

How about if this screen allowed you to import a whole long list of phrases or even multiple lists? For example Abraham-Hicks has multiple decks of inspirational cards, I would enjoy seeing these great phrases to remind me of Law Of Attraction. Instead of manually changing the phrase Scenic Framer would cycle through the phrases of a list you selected in an periodic time interval you give it.