Hiking benefits: personal experience and research article.
Author: Shoshana Biro
Hiking has many benefits for me. I really enjoy hiking in the woods especially when the leaves are still on the trees. I prefer to have a knowledgeable leader of the hike to make sure we don’t get lost. However, I prefer not to converse too much and not to hurry too much. I feel either talking constantly or speeding takes away from my experience of being among trees. Although when I mountain biked with my amazing sister in law Esti in Israel I loved that too because we stopped often to enjoy a particular spot or to take a dip.
I live in New York City and every weekend there are many hiking opportunities within 1-2 hours reachable by public transportation. I belong to several groups through meetup.com and have had only wonderful hiking trips and met fun people: NYC walks Nature beauty peace, Appalachian Mountain Club New-York North-Jersey/, Kew-Gardens Hiking, The Jewish Mosaic Outdoor Mountain Club of Greater New York. To my surprise as an introvert I find myself enjoying chatting on any subject with the other members during the hike itself. However, as soon as we go indoors I don’t feel the conversation flows as well.
![Ron leader of meetup NYC walks Nature Beauty & Peace Photographer Luisa](https://scenicframer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/RonLeaderNYCwalksNaturebeautyAndPeacePhotographerLuisa-A-300x200.jpg)
Ron leader of meetup.com NYC walks Nature Beauty & Peace helping out during hike to Staten Island on November 2015. Photographer: Luisa
I take many photos during my hikes on my Lumia 920 and put them in my favorites list. Later I copy them to my laptop and import them into Scenic Framer. When I’m on the bus or subway I watch the photos and can shift my mood to the way I felt in the woods.
Article of a study proving the benefits of hiking
“Getting away from it all — and by all, we mean all electronics — and heading off into the backcountry really can help your creativity.
Psychologists at the University of Utah and the University of Kansas collaborated on a study that found that backpackers scored 50 percent better on a creativity test after spending four days in nature without their iPhones, ‘Droids, and MP3 players.
“This is a way of showing that interacting with nature has real, measurable benefits to creative problem-solving that really hadn’t been formally demonstrated before,” says David Strayer, a co-author of the study and professor of psychology at the University of Utah.”
To read the rest of the article:
Go Take A Long Hike, It Really Will Help Your Mental Performance