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Tree advocates and photographers

Author: Shoshana Biro

Trees advocates and photographers list that I am either involved with, donating to or learning from. I love to meet other people who care about trees and flowers. The energy of people planting and taking care of community gardens together was infectious.

NYRP – New York Restoration project headed by Bette Midler is a great organization. It collaborates with NYC Parks to plant million trees in NYC. I’ve been donating and volunteering for them to plant and care for trees for at least 5 years:

Million Trees NYC


NYRP – New York Restoration Project

Another organization that protects and plants trees I’ve been involved with: Arbor Day Foundation They have additional program

The Promise of Sustainable Agriculture: Environmental & Agricultural Benefits

Photography of Trees

So far I only took photographs through the excellent camera of my Lumia 920 but I definitely want to start using DSLR or SLR cameras. Taking photo albums of one tree means that all photos need to be with the same exposure, focus, ISO. See Photography tips for more information. I have SLR and analog lenses I inherited from my mother, I am going to start using them soon.

Flickr through Yahoo has multiple groups dedicated to taking photos of forests. Besides enjoying the gorgeous photos Flickr displays the Exif meta data on each photo and with which camera the photo was taken. This is most helpful information if you want to emulate the same focus depth, exposure time etc. for your own photographs.

Here is an example:

Photographer: Martyn Smith. Automn Colours in Clydach Gorge South Wales Flickr. Found in Woods and Forests group of Flickr.

Photographer: Martyn Smith. Automn Colours in Clydach Gorge South Wales Flickr. Photograph found in Woods and Forests group of Flickr.


Woods and Forests

Another Flickr group:

Enchanted Forests of the World









Introverts in work and outdoors

Author: Shoshana Biro

Introverts in work and outdoors – that’s me. I live in the city for now but wish I could move to the country. I did the Myers-Briggs personality test several years ago and discovered that my personality type is INFJ tending towards INFP, I wish I did this test as a teenager.  I wanted to know much more about introversion so I proceeded to look for books on introversion. I’ve read “Introvert Power” by Laurie Helgoe, “Introvert Advantage How to Thrive in an Extrovert World” by Marti Olsen Laney, “Quiet The power of introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain have been eye openers for me. My favorite place to work is the NYU Bobst Library on the 8th floor overlooking Washington Square Park. Most extroverts assume that introverts are shy but I am not shy and was happy in class asking or answering questions. During the 26 years I worked as an programmer/scientist/engineer/support/analyst employee I never was shy about expressing my engineering opinions in writing or in 1-1 conversations or in teaching and helping customers. However, as soon as and I was forced to a hierarchical team work all I could think off was how to get out of there but did not understand exactly why it was so unbearable when all I heard that team work was “the way to grow”.  I believe that Scenic Framer is particularly suitable for introverts.

Scenic Framer in action


External sources about introverts in work and outdoors

Introversion is often confused with shyness so it is important to take a personality test.

Here is an excerpt:

  • “Are you seeking a clearer understanding of yourself and your identity?
  • Do you want guidance and insight into your life’s purpose, relationships, or best career options?
  • Would you like to deepen or clarify your understanding of your personality type (e.g., INFJINTJINFPINTP)?
  • Do you ever feel misunderstood or different, like a misfit or an outsider, and want to understand why?”

To take the tests and learn more: Personality Junkie

Here is an article from an introvert that

Susan Cain has become world famous and fighter for introverts rights. See Chief Revolutionary and Co-Founder of Quiet Revolution and her famous TED talk that has 4.5 million views. Susan Cain: The power of introverts. She started a wonderful blog called “Quiet Revolution” for introverts.

Here is one post that is directly related to outdoors:

“When most think of Los Angeles, the words “quiet” and “serenity” don’t typically come to mind.”

To read more go to: How to Find Quiet in the Bustle of Los Angeles

I belong to a NYC INFJ Meetup 4 days ago I met them for the first time. I loved every minute, it felt so easy to talk to other INFJs.