About Panel can be accessed from the top left menu of Scenic Framer video wall screen or from top left menu of all Scenic Framer screens. It contains several buttons and listing of contributors to Scenic Framer. Photo gallery was shot by Harrison Epstein of HIE Photography. Graphics design and testing provided via Upwork . Graphics Design: Sierra Williams of Sirius Designs. Whiteboard video: Pixel Perfect Animation Studio. Testers: Alin Bratu and Alexandru Neagu. CTO and developer: Shoshana Biro
The most important button is Licensing. You would need to purchase a license in order to receive in email the license number. Scenic Framer does online verification of your license number. The license allows you access to several configuration screens and capabilities. The capability to import new photo albums, to map photo albums to different monitors as well as the ability to edit imported photo albums. After using Scenic Framer for a while and you imported several photo albums you may want to purge by first clicking on Cleanup followed by Repair to delete temporary files and restore defaults.
Several configuration screens can only be accessed after licensing has been activated.
In case you see an error message during the operation of Scenic Framer, most likely details on the error were saved to a log file called ScenicFramer_ErrorsLog.csv. Click on Copy Files button to copy this log file to your own folder so that you can email it to support@ScenicFramer.com.