Innovative software for photo stitching or collage on multiple monitors
Let your photos of trees and flowers inspire you when you are indoors
· Feel calm while you work long hours at your computer
· Increased creativity
· Fall asleep relaxed enjoying beauty on your ceiling
· Wake up and the first thing you see is nature’s beauty to start your day.
· Your own photos stitched into panorama or collage on multiple monitors
· Always running Windows application or screen saver
· Your inspiring phrases and matting boards to make it your creation
· Please download a free trial to enjoy and learn more.
Recent Posts
Motivation and inspiration for creating Scenic Framer
author: Shoshana Biro You may be wondering why I created Scenic Framer. Being near trees is healing for me. I like to lie down underneath a tree and look up at all the branches with leaves. I like to touch it and leave my hand on the bark. I like walking slowly in the forest. … Read More
Hiking benefits: personal experience and research article.
Author: Shoshana Biro Hiking has many benefits for me. I really enjoy hiking in the woods especially when the leaves are still on the trees. I prefer to have a knowledgeable leader of the hike to make sure we don’t get lost. However, I prefer not to converse too much and not to hurry too … Read More
Tree advocates and photographers
Author: Shoshana Biro Trees advocates and photographers list that I am either involved with, donating to or learning from. I love to meet other people who care about trees and flowers. The energy of people planting and taking care of community gardens together was infectious. NYRP – New York Restoration project headed by Bette Midler is a … Read More
Flowers and Plants Benefits
Flowers and plants benefits for me are wonderful, I get in touch with sense of beauty and wonder at their colors. My phone is full of hundreds of pictures I took of flowers in Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, in Bronx Botanical Gardens, orchid shows, Macy’s flower show, tulips and other flowers all around New York City. I have … Read More
Introverts in work and outdoors
Author: Shoshana Biro Introverts in work and outdoors – that’s me. I live in the city for now but wish I could move to the country. I did the Myers-Briggs personality test several years ago and discovered that my personality type is INFJ tending towards INFP, I wish I did this test as a teenager. I wanted … Read More

About founder and CTO
I, Shoshana Biro founded MyNatureInspiration as a sole proprietor in 2015. After working since 1989 as C++ image processing plus multimedia scientist/engineer I was looking to branch out on my own. My education is B.A. in mathematics from Haifa University in Israel, followed by M.S from New York University. More recently I took several physics undergraduate courses. Several years ago I discovered that by being next to trees and flowers I feel re-energized, inspired, full of awe of their beauty. Around the same time I also read the book of Susan Cain Quiet revolution and understood that I’m an introvert. Further more I discovered that if I feel depleted and I cannot immediately go outside, I can browse my photography of trees and flowers and feel much better. It would give me great pleasure if you try Scenic Framer and give your support to continue to add on. Next, I am going to add a phone application to make it easy to take multiple photographs using either the camera phone or drone camera to properly control the camera so that all the photographs match each other see
MyNatureInspiration – Shoshana Biro
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Apt 4T
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I took photographs of rock rabbits sitting on large boulders near the Sea of Galilea, Israel, while riding my dirt bike. Scenic Framer created a stitched photo album. I use it as screen saver on my Windows computer. Everyone loves it!
Esti Biro, Moshav Kanaf, Israel.
I use Scenic Framer while working on the computer at home using the TV as a 3rd monitors and AOC 1659 as 2nd monitor. In addition, I use projector AAXA - ST200 Pico LCoS Short Throw Projector to display ScenicFramer on the ceiling above my head before I go to sleep.